Kristi Goodson
Auditor & Commissioner of Elections

Debra Jarr
Deputy Auditor, Election Administrator

Deanna Norman
Deputy Auditor, Financial
Office Hours
Monday – Friday 8am – 4pm
100 Courthouse Square, Suite #2
Bloomfield, Iowa 52537
Federal Election Commission
Federal Voting Assistance
Iowa Democratic Party
Iowa Republican Party
Iowa Green Party
Know Your County Government
Understanding your County Government
County Government organizational chart
History of County Government
Structure of County Government
County Finances
Know Your County Auditor
ISACA Iowa State Association of County Auditors
County Auditors in Iowa are elected officials with a variety of duties and responsibilities. Some of these activities differ from county to county based on size, tradition and local preference.
All County Auditors
- Conduct voter registration and elections
- Keep maps and records of property ownership
- Calculate property taxes
- Pay the county’s bills
- Process cigarette licenses & beer and liquor permits for unincorporated areas of the county
Most County Auditors
- Act as the clerk to the Board of Supervisors, keeping the minutes of their meetings
- Prepare and maintain county budgets
- Handle county payroll and personnel matters
- Prepare, maintain & report on county finance
Some County Auditors
- Oversee courthouse maintenance
- Act as notaries public
Go to your County Auditor's Office for
- Voter registration
- Absentee ballot requests
- Real estate information
County Auditors closely interact with other governmental offices.
Counties, cities, school districts and other forms of government rely heavily on local property taxes to provide services to the public. County Auditors compile budget data from all jurisdictions that levy property taxes to determine the taxes paid by each property owner.
County Recorders provide Auditors with information on real estate transactions so that the Auditor can keep accurate plat maps and property transfer records.
County Assessors determine the value of each parcel of property in the county and pass these values to Auditors for the computation of tax rates and individual tax amounts.
The Auditor passes the tax list to the County Treasurer, who collects the taxes for all property taxing bodies.
The Auditor works with the Iowa Departments of Management and Revenue and the State Auditor regarding tax and finance matters.
The Auditor works closely with the Iowa Secretary of State regarding elections and voter registration.