Ryan Schock
Davis County Engineer
Cell 641-680-2075
For any Accidents, Emergency Response, Road and Bridge Issues on or along the Davis County Secondary Road system 24 hours a day, 7 days a week contact the following:
1st Contact: Kurt Bulechek Cell: 641-208-5385
2nd Contact: Ryan Schock Cell: 641-680-2075
3rd Contact: Brindley Townsend Cell: 641-208-6627
Road Department Duties & Responsibilities
- Responsible for the safety and quality of roads and bridges under the County’s jurisdiction
- Responsible for design and construction on road and bridge projects within the county
- Responsible for the supervision of maintenance and construction on a ll secondary roads in the county
- Responsible for issuing permits pertaining to roadway and right of way use
- Responsible for the installation of traffic signs, maintaining road surfaces, ditch drainage, vegetation control and winter snow and ice removal
Fast Facts:
Roads 795 miles
Paved 91
Gravel 648
Dirt 56
Bridges 141
Monday – Friday 7:00am – 3:30pm
Office Phone 641-664-2542
Office Fax 641-664-2293
Shop Phone 641-664-2369
Email engineer@daviscountyiowa.org
Davis County Highway Department
21585 Lilac Ave
Bloomfield, IA 52537
–Employee Application–
Driveway Policy
Entrance (Driveway) Permit
Dust Control Permit
Dust Control Policy
Fencing Damages
Mailbox Policy
Resolution of Destination Signing
Road Upgrade Policy (Dirt-to-Gravel)
Snow Ordinance
Utility Permit Ordinance
Utility Permit
Work on Right of Way Permit
Transportation of Waste Across ROW_Resolution_2022